Friday 28 February 2014

Excellent Person To Do

  1. They think big
  2. They’re well-behaved and disciplined
  3. They are obstinate in regards to success
  4. They hate failure
  5. They don’t waste time on stupid things
  6. They associate with excellent people
  7. They hate to associate with the mediocre
  8. They don’t despise the details
  9. They accept criticism as a method of help
  10. They ask intelligent questions


There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Thursday 27 February 2014


Take action to achieve your results.
Living a life of excellence means being a proponent of action. Many people often say "The sky is the limit". My personal philosophy is the sky isn't the limit; we are the limit. Whatever we do or don't do will determine how much we can grow or achieve. If we want to grow and achieve great results, we need to take the equivalent actions to reach the results we want.

Work harder than anyone else.

I don't know of anyone who has achieved excellent results who hasn't worked hard for them. A big component of excellence is had work. Sheer, unadulterated hard work. We can streamline processes, choose effective strategies and steps, but ultimately the hard work will still have to come in. Fortunately, if you are doing what you love , work wouldn't even be work at all.

Way To Become Excellent Person

Hard Worker
-Hard work is something which mostly helps us to achieve success . After that , one of the qualities of an excellent person is he or she needs to be in a habit of working hard for each and every task given to him. This will bring success with excellent person 
-He or she needs to practice regularity in whatever he or she does. Whether it's studies, exercise or following a right diet. Regularity will polish you each time.

    Wednesday 26 February 2014

    Meaning Of

                      assalamualaikum w.b.t                          
    Firstly , what we need to know is our perspective towards what an excellent person is the definition of ' An excellent person' is different for different people.So before looking at the ways to become one, you really need to figure out what you feel an excellent person is all  . . .